How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child?


Stubbornness and perseverance are characteristic of many children, in which case parents will face the problem of How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child.

Some parents also use beatings and violence with them, which may make the child aggressive and increase stubbornness more than the first. But parents should use thinking about ways to deal with children, so follow all the details in our always distinguished site

How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child
nervous child


How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child without hitting

  • You have to listen to your child and take care of his opinions so that he is strong in his personality.
  • Because your anger and blaming him may increase your stubbornness more.
    Always communicate with your child by approaching him and treating him as a friend, and calmly giving advice
    . So as not to be beaten or violent from you.
  • Always give him choices, inspire him, and encourage him to do all the positive things he does.
  • When dealing with difficult situations, you must be flexible, and you must be patient and flexible. Instead of yelling at the educational process with him.
  • Train your child to exercise and meditate, to relieve his stress and intractable problems.
  • Respect and encourage the child’s opinions and decisions, even if theirs are simple.
    And meaningless, he might one day come up with a clever and useful idea.
  • Share his life with him whether it is studying, entertainment or even watching TV, this will make him feel trust, love and respect as well.
  • Promote and encourage positive behaviours in children, and get rid of stubbornness and persistence in error in a calm manner.
  • Avoid complaining or bullying your child in front of others.
  • Do not compare your child to his friends or siblings.


How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child

How to deal with a stubborn and nervous child without hitting
nervous child

Parents have to take many actions, and methods to deal with this stubborn and nervous child to deal with this bad behaviour.

Negotiating with the child

The child needs to feel something in his private life, such as being in control, for example, and not always receiving orders from others.
So in addition to giving them some freedom to express themselves, parents should also try to negotiate with their children. and discuss what they want.

Listen to them and understand them well, and they can help them by asking them something. Questions such as: “What happened?”

“How can I help you?” or “Why are you unhappy?”
or “What do you need now?”
This indicates that the way a child can feel, he is a strong person who can express his needs.

Promote good behaviour in children

Children need praise when they do something about it.
The better the child behaves, whether at home or in a public place.
Parents should praise and reward the child when the child does bad things in return as well.
Parents must discipline him.

respect for children

Parents should respect, value, and accept their children’s decisions and choices.

Because children tend to reject the authority imposed on them. Which makes him born often stubborn and unresponsive.

That is why we recommend that parents suggest to them, listen to their children, and understand their needs. And try to have quiet discussions to convince them.

Cooperating with them, giving them mercy, love and tenderness, not ignoring their feelings and thoughts, and instilling confidence in the children.


Redirect the child’s attention

Parents may see the child’s poor behavioural tendencies.

In this case, parents should distract him from this bad behaviour, because the child likes to be noticed by a parent. Pay attention to the child’s opinions and choices.
It is also necessary to approach him and ask him if he wants to play a certain game or watch a show.

The child always likes to show this behaviour. For this reason, parents should always keep a child’s favourite distraction on hand and use it when needed.

Like keeping his favourite books and toys, or preparing his favourite meals.

This helps distract him and avoid any bad behaviour.

Divide the tasks of the children

  • The reason may be the child’s strong refusal to perform the demands of the parents, and his inability to complete tasks. and the responsibilities that he intends to fulfil.
  • In this case, the task must be broken down into smaller parts to complete it.
  • The following method is performed in several stages and requires a short rest just like this method.
  • It can reduce the child’s stubbornness, and enable him to complete the task better than completing it all at once.


Child participation in work

Children who are involved in work like to be involved in the work, rather than giving orders.

Demanding a child can be a powerful way to avoid his stubbornness. Because many children are very sensitive to receiving things like raising their voices or trying to force them.

This makes them tend to be more stubborn, so parents should try to change the way they deal with stubborn children.
And take the initiative to participate with them in the work that it requires, because this is very important in the life of the child. It makes him feel that he is not taking orders.


Creating a routine in a child’s life

Establishing routines in the educational process of children can improve their behaviour and academic performance. Because it can predict the process of evolution of things.

Which prompts him to do what needs to be done, without feeling any inconvenience.
For example, children need 10 to 12 hours of sleep per day. And the sleep time is shorter than that, which negatively affects the child’s behaviour.
This leads to stubborn and destructive behaviour, so it is best to follow a certain routine in the child’s daily life.


Firmness in dealing with children

Sometimes a firm attitude must be taken towards children. Parents have to take a decisive stand and take cautionary tactics for their children.

If the child does something wrong, the parents must warn him not to do so or else he will be punished.

Be careful to ensure that the method does not have a negative impact on the child; The purpose of this method is to correct the situation. And not harm the child.


Not treating a child’s stubbornness as a problem

A child’s stubbornness is not a problem, and parents should not treat a child’s stubbornness as a problem. For example, persevere in finding solutions to the math problems they face. Allowing them to strengthen their beliefs and avoid some unnatural behaviours in the future.


Other tips for dealing with stubborn and nervous children

  • Strengthening the relationship between the child and the parents, the more the child loves his parents, the more he accepts them and responds to their requirements.
  • Please leave a little space for the child to complain, and express his or her opinions on a particular topic.
  • When a child does something he does not want, this will give him the opportunity to vent his hidden inner feelings. For example, a child should find someone to imitate him in his life.
  • The closest example to him is the habit of his parents, so he resorts to imitating the behaviour of his parents.
  • Whether it is positive or negative, he uses the same method of treatment, that is, the method of dialogue and discussion with others.
  • Respect for elders and other behaviours is the actual lesson children learn from their parents.
  • Keeping in mind individual differences between children, parents should not ask children what they cannot do.
  • With collective opinions and a lack of a laissez-faire policy, the child will not endure the same difficult things all at once.
  • Because the child can not tolerate fluctuations in standards.
  • So the result is that he refuses to carry out the command, and always ignores the child’s rebellious and rebellious behaviour. Especially the moment of his anger.

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